Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tell a Different Story

Sit right down and I will tell you a story.

A story never told before.  In which I tell you a different story than what I was told long ago.

Sit right down and get comfy, for this here is that new story.

Im telling you a different story.  One that is with ease and glory.  One which flows and sows and grows and there is no worry.

A story which is full of gratitude and a new attitude.

There is no fear with this new story, for I released it to the One who is dear, near and everywhere.

So now I TRUST this process of this story.

Please pass on this story and may it help you to grow and tell your own different story.

*Was a reminder to change my thought process and I sat right down and REALLY just wrote this story.  :) *


It starts with Gratitude

There is so much I have to be grateful for.  Today I was listening to something on YouTube, which made me realize the work still needing to be done which entails Understanding my emotions.  About accessing ones self.

I was taught this almost 2 years ago to date  And where ever you be, you are all always in my heart with much gratitude!  :D

I am grateful for the sun and the moon.
The sound of the rain as it hits on the roof and the clouds that produce a loud Kaboom!

Cold with the snow which falls upon my face and hot on a beach and especially the warmth of weather in between.

Coffee in the morning with cream and sugar.  Tea at night, with a good book.
Ice cream, cheesecake and best of all chocolate cake.

Fresh vegetables in from the garden and then the feast it provides.
The smell of the flowers on the winds at night.
The buzzing bees and bumbles bees on the trees and those big ones who scare off the other big bees, what a tease.

Grateful for the roof over my head, which protects me from the weather in all dispositions.
The clothes, my shoes, coats and boots, which keep me covered on my suit.

To squish my toes in the dirt and walk on the cool grass or that wet patch.
To dig my toes in sand on the lake or beach and feel Gaias skin.

My car which gets me to and fro and dollars for gas to make it go.
The phone i hold to keep in touch with those near and far, gives me joy when I hear from them all.

I suppose I could go on ... because everyday I give thanks for all the wonderful items I own, or am able to touch, feel, hear, smell, sense and the wonderful people who touch in on my life on a daily basis, in so many ways.

Oh what the heck!  I'm grateful for all!

Thank you Source for all things!  :)
