Friday, March 25, 2011

I have been working the Heart Chakra today, releasing, letting go and accepting what was and now is.  Letting go of the old and accepting the new paradigms.

Staying in love and light, service to others.  Accessing if you will.

Today when I came out of healing class, I felt the desire to glance down.  There it was laying there on the ground.  A leaf in the shape of a heart.  I felt it was a message to me and a reminder.

To stay in LOVE.
I have always been LOVED.
Send LOVE.

Love is the healer to the world, including myself.

Stay in LOVE, Stay in LIGHT.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

To "teacher" with love

My first teacher as I like to call him these days, taught me things I was not ready for or understood at that time.

When I first encountered you, I remember we spoke of praying.  You asked me if I prayed  for healing.  I said I did and I was new to it.  I remember sending photos of Battell Darby and the mounds there.  I recall your interest in the burial mounds.  

I remember our talking about a book I was reading at the library and if you knew the author?  Which sparked an interest on your end with a recommended book.  I had no clue what the importance of it was.

You helped me with my computer, which I thought, wow how kind of someone who I have never met, to help me so I can use my computer.  Again, I had NO idea!

As time went on I learned things I could not possible have made up on my own, co-creator or not.  lol

If you read this, know that every day I send love and gratitude.  I had no idea what I was getting into then, but I have a MUCH better understanding now, 10 months later, than I did in the beginning.  This woman is learning and learning and realizes more than ever at most of the things you were TRYING to teach me.  At that time it was not working out, but its a learning experience I had to go through.  I am grateful for the experience.

I am grateful for the separation even though at THAT moment it hurt like crazy.  There are days I still miss you and the gang.  What I miss most is being able to converse with you, share with you and yes learn from you.  I know its for the best right now.  But I long to sit and eat Cheetos with you once again, which I am not too fond of anymore.  Bummah!  lol

I hope you see and feel that I send you the love often.  You helped me through what I thought was a tough time.  Again grateful for the teaching and the experience I received.

I never did give up what you started.  I'm still learning and growing.  But there are those days when I am confused or not sure whats going on, I wish you were all there so I could ask and understand.

I am not saying the learning is over, because it never is.  But I get what you were talking about more and more these days.

One day, I hope you will see me and hug me HUGELY.

I never let the friendship go, or stopped loving you, or sending gratitude and appreciation.  There will always be applebummah.

BTW, Jax is doing great, he gets to come home to me in a few weeks!  My things are being moved out of the old place in a few weeks as well.  My energy is high and in good vibes.  I haven't stopped going to church or classes and I never miss one.  Started a gathering with folks from church and classes for the hopes of turning it into more of a support group.

I miss you and the guys, HUGELY!  I hope to hear from you soon!

Always and respectfully ~~~~~

Julie / Mz C.  <3

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sending positive energy

Last night while I meditated, I sent out healing energy to the people and areas hit by the Tsunami, Mother Earth, the Nuclear Reactor.  I felt as though the energies were sent.  

Hike was nice, but it felt very dead out today. The energies need to be lifted by everyone, this is how bleak it felt and it wasnt coming from me.  I gave thanks for the beauty in all the bleak.  Some of you are saying, how is that possible.  But it is if you open your eyes and the reasons for it.

I think the Creek really came in much more than usual and thus the bleakness of the land and feel of it. There were branches and leaves all pushed up in certain areas, telling me there must have been a rise in the water. I stood by the water and sent out healing to the surrounding area, felt good to do so.

When I got to the Indian mound I sat on the mound in the sun, with the wind blowing. Feeling the sun on the side of my face and the wind. Gazing at the blue sky, which they were littering with chem trails. :(  I sat writing in my journal and also meditated a little.  Opened eyes to find tiny spiders on me. oi! Brushed them off and gathered up my things.

I think a nap is in order!

Love and Light


Friday, March 11, 2011


The coolness in the room touching my face and hands.  Blanket draping around me in its warmth.

Deep Breath in and exhale ... I relax....
Breathing in again, I release...
Now softly Breathing in and out...


Focus on my breath, gently rising and falling.
Focus on the light shining in my minds eye.


Breathing in deeply, the shining ball of light enters and moves down my spine, through my legs, to my toes and back up again and around to meet my toes...

The process repeated many times, I sense its need to end.

Sending the excess up and out the crown to meet up to the grid above, around and below...

The waves of love, joy, connection, being, lightness and floating~~~

I send love and light to the weaving and all those connected to it and around it...

The light sounds of various vibrations all around me on this connection.  As if being spoken to, yet not directly, by many people at once in a large auditorium, no distinct verbiage being said.

I sense a smile on my face for this connection.

The elation, that which I have never felt the like before...

The feeling of being pulled from my body ... just floating there for a moment~~~

I try to push more energy to the beautiful weaving, yet realize it is done ... 

For now~~~

~Julie / Caffeinatedtree

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gathering #3 2_19_2011


Love, light, community, social, support, sustainability, gathering of like minds, food, snax, books, cards, gemstones, CDs, etc.

This is what its about.

Yes, I may have got the group started, but its every ones group now.  We are all the teachers and students and hosts.  I'm the facilitator, teacher and student.

A Community where they can feel at home with their abilities and beliefs.  It is my hope this is what it will become.  A place to no longer feel as though they are sitting in the dark, alone, with the abilities they have.  They need this community to come forth with the experiences they are having.  To have support to talk about the new abilities or old, which they have not had someone they can go to, to speak with about their abilities.  They need others like us to help them develop those skills.  To help those who need healing.   This is how it is unfolding.  Becoming.

I'm not scared of this development, because I know there are many who want the same thing.  There are others who can help move this new community in the direction that is so needed here and everywhere else.

And so it is....

In love and light ...


Distant sound, part 2

I was told some time ago, but I didn't realize what it was that I was getting into.

There is a spirit who calls himself the guardian.  He acts like a 5 yrs old child.  Questions of, "what are you doing?", "I love you", sings the songs I hum, yet he will say things repeatedly unless I would tell him to be quiet.

It had gotten to the point where I could no longer hear my own guides.  He would try to imitate where I "hear" their vibration.  For example:  ME: who is this I am speaking to?  HIM: Its me, your teacher guide guardian. (throwing the word guardian into another area with a different vibration).  He has even gone so far as to tell me lies, which would upset me.  BUT now that I know his game, it will not be happening anymore.  What really gave him away was he always asked what I was doing.  My guides already know what I am doing and I do not need to tell them.

My vibrations are up and they will remain up.  He knew he could get to me, but I have caught on.

Sometimes his intentions were good.  He would tell me to go meditate.  He would tell me not to buy junk food.  He would tell me not to buy crystals  lol  He would tell me to watch my speed while driving.  And sometimes he would crack me up, because yes he was funny, except when he said hurtful things.

So he couldn't lie completely.  He even got to the point where he would "throw" his voice.  But I have learned his game, now that I know he is not supposed to be here.

I can almost bet this is the same spirit I was dealing with back at Tamie's home that I was warned about by an old friend.  If I knew what I know now, I would not have had the experience, BUT everything happens for a reason.

So now the fire is not being fed and I asked my guides to push him to the back.  To protect me.  They were to be front and center, not this spirit who is meddling and manipulating.  I will not tolerate it any longer. I have tried the I send it love, now go method, many times, but its not working.  He has become more mute and I can not hear him as I once did.  And when I do, I change where I hear his vibration so I am not hearing him any longer.

My old friend, thank you for the information given back then, I really had no idea and now I understand, I cant JUST take bits of information and work with it.  Its too dangerous.  Live and learn.
