Monday, December 27, 2010

Germain descendant?

I found this interesting. I read a few articles on St. Germain and 1 claims Germain was incarnated in the country of Hungary.

My family is from Hungary with the last name of Markus. St. Germain was said to be reincarnated as John Hunyadi as an adept. The Hunyadi's are my cousins who still to this day live in Hungary and some in the states. I also have a great uncle named John Hunyadi. Of course John is a common name.

Ive been doing some research, but I am only finding this one account of Germain being a Hunyadi. There was a King Hunyadi in Hungary in the 1400's. Other than that this is the only information I can find based on John Hunyadi.

In another incident he faked his own death and attended his own funeral and went to Transylvania, which is where a large chunk of my family is from. This is where Germain Ascended. He was known as Prince Rakoczy of Dresden.

You just never know. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Slender man

I wanted to share.

I was meditating down in my Aunts basement before heading to bed the night of Xmas eve. I couldn't sleep and was rather restless and my mind was going a million miles from some talks with my Aunt which disturbed me.

Anyhow, a vision had come to me. The vision was of a man who was tall and very slender. Shaved head, narrow face, pale and his ears seemed longer than normal.

I recall him wearing a teal colored suit. I thought it looked as though he was leaning against a car perhaps. He looked at me and I think he nodded his head towards me or he smiled and held up a hand as in a gesture of a wave, I can not recall anymore. But I thought it odd he appeared. He appeared to look human, except for his ears and his face being a little longer. He didn't emit bad, I didn't get that sensation from him.

I will have to meditate more on this and see if he appears again.

Proud ...

The past 2 months, Ive come to really examine myself and what I have come to realize is there are many people who have come into my life who I was trying to make proud of me. Proud of my work(job wise and in being taught), who I was, my achievements etc ... I only wanted them to be proud of me. It was important to me and I messed up.

So much so, I lost some friends who were dear to me and individuals who I admired and looked up to.

I believe this is how I lost many of my jobs, relationships and friends who have come into my life. Why you may inquire?

Well, I was trying too hard to impress upon them how well I could do things or what knowledge I did gain and in turn I messed up in the process. Instead of flowing and allowing my talents to show them selves I would push and push to take LARGE steps instead of tiny steps.

I was afraid to mess up. Or to give the wrong information and putting so much pressure on myself. Which failed completely! This is one reason I repeat what has been taught to me. I do not want to give out incorrect information.

With friends, I wanted them to be proud of me. To like me. Again, I should have been flowing with the waves and just being. Allowing the friendship to bud and bloom.

I still have yet to figure out where this is stemming from, but I think it started with my parents, or a teacher or perhaps my first job. I'm still figuring this part out.

I remember being told I was a part of something, but I was trying too hard. I didnt see it till it was too late.

I was just trying to make them all proud, I hope they know that. I hope you all know that.

I understand better today than I did 8 months ago. Half the battle is figuring out where it stems from and then changing it. At least I am aware of it now.

From here on out ... flow and only flow ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Another step up

They sang songs, read poems and then the Rev. started his dissertation.

As I listened to him talk about Jesus, going within and other things I do not remember due to my experience, something else decided to get my attention.

It was stronger than I had ever felt before, so I was not sure what to make of it, except ride it. I started to zone out and almost felt like I was not a part of this plane any longer. That I had somehow shifted for those few minutes and gone elsewhere, yet still present in my seat. I smiled for a moment when it was happening.

Before the Rev got up to do his speech, I kept getting my usual fly bys as I like to call the spirits who come to me during service. But this was something else entirely.

A man had walked into the church during service and I thought at first it was his Spirit guides trying to get my attention. At one point I tried to center myself again and he sighed when I did so. So it made me think that perhaps he was aware of my doing so or it was for him.

Later I asked Diane, the Revs wife, about the gentleman who had entered and left early. She said he was here for development class. I told her about my experience.

Apparently it was a teacher guide coming through for ME. Coming to me on a different level of teaching! How exciting I thought! :)

Thank you divine and my guides for this lesson. I am so very blessed indeed!

P.S. Can we do it again?! ;D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Attended Lecture

I was told of a book shop called Phoenix Books. One I had not heard of before. I mentioned it to a few friends from church and class, in hopes they might attend.

So, a lecture was planned and no matter what I was to attend. Those I had mentioned it to decided to attend. Four others showed.

Where an unearthly woman and her collective spoke through a human woman, in hopes of contact with a collective.

I felt a surge of love when she opened her eyes. As if my soul had been touched by them all, which I believe this was so. A quick bond of connecting. It was so powerful I almost cried. It happened more than once while I sat and listened. It was larger than life and larger than what I feel with Spirit Guides, so knew It was something more or someones.

I sensed more than one, but as ONE. Not as individuals.
It seemed familiar, yet so new to this body.

I asked how I might be able to commune with the collective on my own. She said sit and send your thoughts and when you are aware, you will know. (OK something like that, I cant recall her exact words.)

She spoke in the here and now. She spoke only truth. Processes we as humans have a hard time in doing.

The group which arrived from church and class, were at awe and amazed how someone might be able to channel. I find it amazing as well. Perhaps in little ways we do and are not aware of this.

I hope it expanded their horizons and was asked when I would find something else of interest for them. I had to laugh. I put out the suggestion and they followed. They thanked me for showing them something new. Some of them relieved to have attended and learned something new.

One of the gentleman who attended our group was thinking he didnt want to attend. But he changed the channel on the radio station and a Christmas song was playing "all I want for Christmas is a alien..." enough said there. He headed toward the lecture. He was glad he did.

I am grateful for the opportunity I had to experience the feelings of love from the collective. I am grateful for the people who are coming into my life. Also those who gave me the nudge in the right direction, ever grateful to you.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making a Connection

While I meditated last night, a womans name came to my mind. A woman from my healing and Development class.

So, after meditating, I sent the woman a txt and asked her if she was OK? This morning she txted back telling me I was amazing and she was sick! Huh? So, I had to ask. "Amazing huh? In what way?" She said she asked Spirit to let me know because she said I was an amazing healer. Of course I reminded her I was just the conduit. :) She said being connected like this feels amazing.

During this past Sundays class, she proposed a question to the Rev. It was about aliens. :D I do not feel she got the answer she was looking for. But it brought forth conversations which were presented to me at one time. I sat there in a daze, remembering the conversations, the fun, the teachings, realizations... I put my thoughts out there sending love and gratitude to the guys in hopes of maybe to reconnect or try to make contact (Thought of the movie, no puns intended). But I could relate to what the Rev was speaking about.

I asked about the aliens who came to her during meditation. She said the beings told her to break up with her boyfriend. She was like who the heck is this? (her words lol) She never did get any confirmation from it. The Alien was a Gray being, slender, with a mask on its face. It told her, her boyfriend was lowering her vibrations.

Now I am not all knowing about the grays or if this be-ing wanted something from her, but if someone/something/be-ing told me a person was lowering my vibrations, I would stay away or try my best to no longer be in that situation. (Yes, Im learning this and realizing this, thank you for the lesson.) She has an amazing energy and gift I feel, so, yes, keeping the vibration up would benefit her. (I know...)

I asked her if it felt threatening and she said no, but she kept feeling this presence after the meditation and it was uncomfortable. I suggested to her if she felt comfortable to ask the being back during meditation and get more answers. Ask her guides to protect her before meditation. Hopefully she will get some answers from it. If this be-ing doesnt walk in the light or for the greater good, tell it to get lost.

I hope she finds the answer. I look forward to hearing if she did and I am sure she will tell me.

And yes, thank you for that connection. It was an amazing feeling to get confirmation as such.

I thank the Divine for this lesson and confirmation. I am blessed and grateful in so many ways.


Monday, December 6, 2010

New place

So, I am in a new home, living out of a room. I pay rent now. Its only for 3 to 4 months. My cats are living with my cousins mother in law. I am relieved by this.

The place I am staying is filled with positive in every corner. Plants, little notes of affirmations, calmness, no negative or worry. I no longer have to apologize for a dish sitting in the sink or the reason the recycles are not taken out yet. There is only truth, joy, happiness, no ego, Here and Now. Positive. I have placed all my stickies back up with all the positive I have learned over the past 6 months. The ones I wrote about not giving comfort the one day. Ive gone past that. I have a few books and knick knacks on the shelves here and other assorted things. So it has my touch, yet its still her home. She approved and said, this is the way it should be.

The house is dubbed "Healing House". Rightly so. The woman who owns the home helps others succeed in life and get back on their feet.

There is a reason I am in this home. She told me, she is willing to "teach" when it feels right. It could be during a conversation she and I are having or something comes to her mind.

Everything that was forthcoming to all this, it makes sense now.

I promise to those who might read this. They will know who they are. I promise you I did not lie to you. Your pushing me away has made me realize how much I relied on you. I should have been relying on me. But I looked to you as perhaps a daughter would to her own father. Or a sister to another sister, friend to a friend. Sometimes I needed advice for the journey I was learning about, so I could become a better person. I want you to know your friendship is missed and I love you and thank you for the lessons. But most importantly, I did NOT lie to you.

I am grateful and blessed to be in a place of peace, with a roof over my head.

I love you and thank you ...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do not need soil to grow...

This was stumbled upon quite accidentally. I had an inkling of an idea for a new photo to place on twitter and came upon this article.

It made me think.

A mango seed does not need soil to grow, yet it grows by being sustained with water... eventually it needs some foundation to keep it upright.

So, we are souls living in this body, but yet we need this body in order to grow? So the soul needs this body to grow...

As a soul do we not ALREADY know? How do we remember what it is that we promised to do when we came here? Is that too a learning experience?

Does the soul not already know the wonderful things? Why is it necessary to experience lives of all kinds? Or is it just the purpose of the soul to experience for the privilege the Creator has given us?

Something to reflect on I believe.

I also enjoyed a few of the lines from this Nordic Link below which gave the inspiration. One of the lines which I feel many of us could relate to is : "Failure is additional knowledge to success." But here is the thing. If we fail, we do not always learn the first time or third time ... it might even take life times to learn from the experiences. So when we are "awake" we are more aware. And able to learn from the failed experience, in hopes of moving past it and above it.

Thank you Divine for this realization!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

~*~ CREATOR ~*~

Yesterday I had this amazing realization!

I had always thought of the universe, planets and stars, to all be the Creator. That we were made by the creator.

I never thought of us as being all this mass "ball" so to speak, instead of individuals. Because we were taught to be individuals, instead of connected. At one time I thought we were separate entities the creator made. Having to learn and then keep learning through various lives till one day, we get a lifetime right. Eventually we go back to the creator.

When I REALLY thought about it ... HELLO!!


The keyboard is the creator, this blog, the bed I slept on last night and the blankets I snuggled with, are the creator!! The coffee I am drinking and the cup, the desk, the clothes I am wearing!

The air we breath, what a priveledge! We breath IN and OUT the creator, yet we are the creator. EVERYTHING is the creator! EVERYTHING! The space around us.

Connected, all ONE. All Creators!

Thank you Divine for this realization, I am so blessed!