Monday, December 27, 2010

Germain descendant?

I found this interesting. I read a few articles on St. Germain and 1 claims Germain was incarnated in the country of Hungary.

My family is from Hungary with the last name of Markus. St. Germain was said to be reincarnated as John Hunyadi as an adept. The Hunyadi's are my cousins who still to this day live in Hungary and some in the states. I also have a great uncle named John Hunyadi. Of course John is a common name.

Ive been doing some research, but I am only finding this one account of Germain being a Hunyadi. There was a King Hunyadi in Hungary in the 1400's. Other than that this is the only information I can find based on John Hunyadi.

In another incident he faked his own death and attended his own funeral and went to Transylvania, which is where a large chunk of my family is from. This is where Germain Ascended. He was known as Prince Rakoczy of Dresden.

You just never know. :)

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Slender man

I wanted to share.

I was meditating down in my Aunts basement before heading to bed the night of Xmas eve. I couldn't sleep and was rather restless and my mind was going a million miles from some talks with my Aunt which disturbed me.

Anyhow, a vision had come to me. The vision was of a man who was tall and very slender. Shaved head, narrow face, pale and his ears seemed longer than normal.

I recall him wearing a teal colored suit. I thought it looked as though he was leaning against a car perhaps. He looked at me and I think he nodded his head towards me or he smiled and held up a hand as in a gesture of a wave, I can not recall anymore. But I thought it odd he appeared. He appeared to look human, except for his ears and his face being a little longer. He didn't emit bad, I didn't get that sensation from him.

I will have to meditate more on this and see if he appears again.

Proud ...

The past 2 months, Ive come to really examine myself and what I have come to realize is there are many people who have come into my life who I was trying to make proud of me. Proud of my work(job wise and in being taught), who I was, my achievements etc ... I only wanted them to be proud of me. It was important to me and I messed up.

So much so, I lost some friends who were dear to me and individuals who I admired and looked up to.

I believe this is how I lost many of my jobs, relationships and friends who have come into my life. Why you may inquire?

Well, I was trying too hard to impress upon them how well I could do things or what knowledge I did gain and in turn I messed up in the process. Instead of flowing and allowing my talents to show them selves I would push and push to take LARGE steps instead of tiny steps.

I was afraid to mess up. Or to give the wrong information and putting so much pressure on myself. Which failed completely! This is one reason I repeat what has been taught to me. I do not want to give out incorrect information.

With friends, I wanted them to be proud of me. To like me. Again, I should have been flowing with the waves and just being. Allowing the friendship to bud and bloom.

I still have yet to figure out where this is stemming from, but I think it started with my parents, or a teacher or perhaps my first job. I'm still figuring this part out.

I remember being told I was a part of something, but I was trying too hard. I didnt see it till it was too late.

I was just trying to make them all proud, I hope they know that. I hope you all know that.

I understand better today than I did 8 months ago. Half the battle is figuring out where it stems from and then changing it. At least I am aware of it now.

From here on out ... flow and only flow ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Another step up

They sang songs, read poems and then the Rev. started his dissertation.

As I listened to him talk about Jesus, going within and other things I do not remember due to my experience, something else decided to get my attention.

It was stronger than I had ever felt before, so I was not sure what to make of it, except ride it. I started to zone out and almost felt like I was not a part of this plane any longer. That I had somehow shifted for those few minutes and gone elsewhere, yet still present in my seat. I smiled for a moment when it was happening.

Before the Rev got up to do his speech, I kept getting my usual fly bys as I like to call the spirits who come to me during service. But this was something else entirely.

A man had walked into the church during service and I thought at first it was his Spirit guides trying to get my attention. At one point I tried to center myself again and he sighed when I did so. So it made me think that perhaps he was aware of my doing so or it was for him.

Later I asked Diane, the Revs wife, about the gentleman who had entered and left early. She said he was here for development class. I told her about my experience.

Apparently it was a teacher guide coming through for ME. Coming to me on a different level of teaching! How exciting I thought! :)

Thank you divine and my guides for this lesson. I am so very blessed indeed!

P.S. Can we do it again?! ;D

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Attended Lecture

I was told of a book shop called Phoenix Books. One I had not heard of before. I mentioned it to a few friends from church and class, in hopes they might attend.

So, a lecture was planned and no matter what I was to attend. Those I had mentioned it to decided to attend. Four others showed.

Where an unearthly woman and her collective spoke through a human woman, in hopes of contact with a collective.

I felt a surge of love when she opened her eyes. As if my soul had been touched by them all, which I believe this was so. A quick bond of connecting. It was so powerful I almost cried. It happened more than once while I sat and listened. It was larger than life and larger than what I feel with Spirit Guides, so knew It was something more or someones.

I sensed more than one, but as ONE. Not as individuals.
It seemed familiar, yet so new to this body.

I asked how I might be able to commune with the collective on my own. She said sit and send your thoughts and when you are aware, you will know. (OK something like that, I cant recall her exact words.)

She spoke in the here and now. She spoke only truth. Processes we as humans have a hard time in doing.

The group which arrived from church and class, were at awe and amazed how someone might be able to channel. I find it amazing as well. Perhaps in little ways we do and are not aware of this.

I hope it expanded their horizons and was asked when I would find something else of interest for them. I had to laugh. I put out the suggestion and they followed. They thanked me for showing them something new. Some of them relieved to have attended and learned something new.

One of the gentleman who attended our group was thinking he didnt want to attend. But he changed the channel on the radio station and a Christmas song was playing "all I want for Christmas is a alien..." enough said there. He headed toward the lecture. He was glad he did.

I am grateful for the opportunity I had to experience the feelings of love from the collective. I am grateful for the people who are coming into my life. Also those who gave me the nudge in the right direction, ever grateful to you.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making a Connection

While I meditated last night, a womans name came to my mind. A woman from my healing and Development class.

So, after meditating, I sent the woman a txt and asked her if she was OK? This morning she txted back telling me I was amazing and she was sick! Huh? So, I had to ask. "Amazing huh? In what way?" She said she asked Spirit to let me know because she said I was an amazing healer. Of course I reminded her I was just the conduit. :) She said being connected like this feels amazing.

During this past Sundays class, she proposed a question to the Rev. It was about aliens. :D I do not feel she got the answer she was looking for. But it brought forth conversations which were presented to me at one time. I sat there in a daze, remembering the conversations, the fun, the teachings, realizations... I put my thoughts out there sending love and gratitude to the guys in hopes of maybe to reconnect or try to make contact (Thought of the movie, no puns intended). But I could relate to what the Rev was speaking about.

I asked about the aliens who came to her during meditation. She said the beings told her to break up with her boyfriend. She was like who the heck is this? (her words lol) She never did get any confirmation from it. The Alien was a Gray being, slender, with a mask on its face. It told her, her boyfriend was lowering her vibrations.

Now I am not all knowing about the grays or if this be-ing wanted something from her, but if someone/something/be-ing told me a person was lowering my vibrations, I would stay away or try my best to no longer be in that situation. (Yes, Im learning this and realizing this, thank you for the lesson.) She has an amazing energy and gift I feel, so, yes, keeping the vibration up would benefit her. (I know...)

I asked her if it felt threatening and she said no, but she kept feeling this presence after the meditation and it was uncomfortable. I suggested to her if she felt comfortable to ask the being back during meditation and get more answers. Ask her guides to protect her before meditation. Hopefully she will get some answers from it. If this be-ing doesnt walk in the light or for the greater good, tell it to get lost.

I hope she finds the answer. I look forward to hearing if she did and I am sure she will tell me.

And yes, thank you for that connection. It was an amazing feeling to get confirmation as such.

I thank the Divine for this lesson and confirmation. I am blessed and grateful in so many ways.


Monday, December 6, 2010

New place

So, I am in a new home, living out of a room. I pay rent now. Its only for 3 to 4 months. My cats are living with my cousins mother in law. I am relieved by this.

The place I am staying is filled with positive in every corner. Plants, little notes of affirmations, calmness, no negative or worry. I no longer have to apologize for a dish sitting in the sink or the reason the recycles are not taken out yet. There is only truth, joy, happiness, no ego, Here and Now. Positive. I have placed all my stickies back up with all the positive I have learned over the past 6 months. The ones I wrote about not giving comfort the one day. Ive gone past that. I have a few books and knick knacks on the shelves here and other assorted things. So it has my touch, yet its still her home. She approved and said, this is the way it should be.

The house is dubbed "Healing House". Rightly so. The woman who owns the home helps others succeed in life and get back on their feet.

There is a reason I am in this home. She told me, she is willing to "teach" when it feels right. It could be during a conversation she and I are having or something comes to her mind.

Everything that was forthcoming to all this, it makes sense now.

I promise to those who might read this. They will know who they are. I promise you I did not lie to you. Your pushing me away has made me realize how much I relied on you. I should have been relying on me. But I looked to you as perhaps a daughter would to her own father. Or a sister to another sister, friend to a friend. Sometimes I needed advice for the journey I was learning about, so I could become a better person. I want you to know your friendship is missed and I love you and thank you for the lessons. But most importantly, I did NOT lie to you.

I am grateful and blessed to be in a place of peace, with a roof over my head.

I love you and thank you ...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Do not need soil to grow...

This was stumbled upon quite accidentally. I had an inkling of an idea for a new photo to place on twitter and came upon this article.

It made me think.

A mango seed does not need soil to grow, yet it grows by being sustained with water... eventually it needs some foundation to keep it upright.

So, we are souls living in this body, but yet we need this body in order to grow? So the soul needs this body to grow...

As a soul do we not ALREADY know? How do we remember what it is that we promised to do when we came here? Is that too a learning experience?

Does the soul not already know the wonderful things? Why is it necessary to experience lives of all kinds? Or is it just the purpose of the soul to experience for the privilege the Creator has given us?

Something to reflect on I believe.

I also enjoyed a few of the lines from this Nordic Link below which gave the inspiration. One of the lines which I feel many of us could relate to is : "Failure is additional knowledge to success." But here is the thing. If we fail, we do not always learn the first time or third time ... it might even take life times to learn from the experiences. So when we are "awake" we are more aware. And able to learn from the failed experience, in hopes of moving past it and above it.

Thank you Divine for this realization!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

~*~ CREATOR ~*~

Yesterday I had this amazing realization!

I had always thought of the universe, planets and stars, to all be the Creator. That we were made by the creator.

I never thought of us as being all this mass "ball" so to speak, instead of individuals. Because we were taught to be individuals, instead of connected. At one time I thought we were separate entities the creator made. Having to learn and then keep learning through various lives till one day, we get a lifetime right. Eventually we go back to the creator.

When I REALLY thought about it ... HELLO!!


The keyboard is the creator, this blog, the bed I slept on last night and the blankets I snuggled with, are the creator!! The coffee I am drinking and the cup, the desk, the clothes I am wearing!

The air we breath, what a priveledge! We breath IN and OUT the creator, yet we are the creator. EVERYTHING is the creator! EVERYTHING! The space around us.

Connected, all ONE. All Creators!

Thank you Divine for this realization, I am so blessed!

Friday, November 26, 2010


I got the idea in my head to start drawing something else. I needed a break and inspiration. I needed something positive that I could refer to and keep the thoughts out of my head about what has been going on the past 4 months or so. So I thought something fun and affirmation like in nature.

Its a work in progress. Get a basic idea of what I want and sometimes I am not sure where to go from there.

There are more on the paper that I am drawing. Empathy, Intent, gratitude ... just to name a few.

I'm hoping Santa will bring me some pastels and paper so I can do some blending techniques. I am really starting to enjoy drawing. Who knows, maybe I will be an aspiring artist. If I practice enough, I am sure I will be.

Again I keep thinking kids books ... hmmm ... maybe .... :)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

To Truly and more...

*** NOTE: I was going through some old items I had in my written folder. Not sure if I wrote this or if I found it somewhere and copy and pasted it. It feels right to post it, due to everything that has been going on. I have a lot to learn, before its too late.

Being humble instead of prideful ... its hard to admit fault, when you do not feel or realize you did anything wrong. Sitting in silence and writing in my journal to understand my thoughts, patterns and staying centered, is helping even though my heart is hurting a bit. Did I really bring all this unto myself? Did I already put the intent out there to fail or to be put in these situations? I am doing my best to stay focused on the important things right now and not dwell. Maybe its what I needed. When your options are little, and in my case, I am out of options in some things.

I apologize to all that I have hurt and those that have lost faith. I would not have given up so easily with people. Maybe some things are for the best. But I will always cherish, appreciate and have much gratitude to all the relationships which have come into my life just recently. Thank you, Im sorry, please forgive me, I forgive you, I forgive me and please do not give up on me. I know just a part, but yet a part that is missing ... Maybe one day ... ***


To truly love another, I had to find love for myself first.

To truly respect anyone, I had to learn respect for myself.

To truly help others, I had to begin by helping myself.

To truly find wealth, I had to begin by looking within.

The treasures we possess are vast,
but they cannot be shared nor enjoyed,
until we see and honor them within ourselves.

I honor the gift of life I have been given
I honor the gift of being here with you
I honor the gift of your friendship


Hmm seemed it ended there ...


On another note I have decided to apologize to my house mate. I asked her if it was alright that we talk, because I needed to apologize to her. She told me we could talk this eve, since she has something to take care of this afternoon. I know its the right thing to do. Its hard to admit when you are wrong and I know I have to use every bit of courage i have to stay empathetic and listen to what she has to say.

I get I have no other choices and its not that it was below me to take on a job working in fast food, its I felt I could do better than this with the skills I DO have. My options are zero at this point and I have been applying to everything. I promise I am doing the footwork and if I have to start at the bottom and work my way up again, I will.

To be continued ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Wont flow, flows

Why cant I seem to just let them flow together? The heart and the mind. Why do I allow my fear to be up and center, instead of back stage?

I watch the dialogue go by and I know I am still loved ... but the distance is there. I'm feeling alone, but yet I know I am not alone. I know this with all my heart, yet why the tears, the pain...? The soul knows no pain or tears, just joy and love ... so why?

Ive read awareness is the first step necessary for change. Which I get. Sure I am aware of the pain. The fear. Aware of it all. But where does it stem from? Why is it reoccurring?

What karma is holding me back? Is it karma or just ego?

Ive been all Ego today. Allowing thoughts to enter my head which are from the past. Instead of positive, I see the negative ones come into thought and I stop myself. Only I can stop these thoughts. One of them keeps coming to mind, because I felt I was hurt. I allowed it to hurt me so therefore I am dwelling on that hurt.

I've been looking at my wall of stickies today and it gives me no comfort. The words mean nothing right now. They hold no meaning.

This will pass. It always does. The heart matters need to be attended to, because I know there is still a lot of work to be done in that area.

Oh, right ... Full moon! Sunday. *sighs* Perhaps this is where it is stemming from. Going to go sit in silence and see what happens.


**Update* 11/20/2010**

Blogger will not allow me to make a comment to my own post. LOL SO I am adding this. Its the next day now. Im feeling better about some things.

But here is what I just found out and I guess I didnt understand it. You cant get rid of Ego. I was told that getting rid of ego is MORE EGO! I do not want that. It will always be present. Its how we manage the ego with spirit that matters. That it can be "trained".

OK now I have that straight in my head, now I just have to get it right in both areas.

Thank you Universe for this lesson!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Guides idea

I was doing some job searching and its as if I was told to take a break, because this idea came into my mind to draw this.

Its not completed and I am not the best drawer in the world, but I had this image of all the colors of the Chakras and each Spirit Guide Representing them. It makes me think of something in a children's book perhaps. And everyone is smiling and their colors radiate out, just as it should be.

I have 3 more to add, but I think I might try to acquire some chalk or something which blends well. This is done with my old Architecture Pencils. I thought about blending and what colors to use and how I felt they looked to me as I drew them.

My heart guide (if there is such a name for her), green heart Chakra stands out the most, since this is something we all constantly work at. I feel she is larger than life, stable and supportive. Helping me to understand and connect my heart and mind to work together to learn empathy and let go of ego.

My Joy guide is there in all her red. Reminding me to live in love, joy and happiness.

The Protector Guide, feels big and strong, protective and loving; he is Orange to me.

I have yet to do throat, eye and crown. This will come in time and I will re post a new picture.

I still have yet to determine what I feel about the others. But I know they are there. A few times I have asked how many guides were around me and I get the answer of 12. When I become more aware, I know I will learn the answer for this.

I plan to put wispys and such in the background, for all the souls and angels which seem to call to my beacon or light. Also want to expand the colors around them. So rough draft it is. :) But I love it!

I wanted to share what had crossed my mind and perhaps this is how I SEE them.

I love the divine for helping me recognize and feel them, it gets better every day. I love my guides for always being here for me, even though I feel its hard to communicate with you at times. I am grateful for everyone who has touched in on my life. I look forward to all the new things I will learn and be able to help others in the future.

Thank you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tornado and wooooos

It never seems to stop. The past few days, I feel as though I am in constant woo woo-ness. Or my hands and fingers are always tingling, but it has increased. Again I havent been over doing it with the work, yet, I feel like I need to sit and go within. Cant do this at work and I am finding it very hard to concentrate. I have to get up and shake it off a bit. I start to zone out.

Today we had a tornado warning. I was sent to a room with about 50 people in it. Out in the hallway, there were about 80 people .... I just sat there and observed all the people talking, txting and talking about their jobs, projects, lives, etc ... but the waves would not stop. A few spirits would flit by and I would mentally shoo them away. I can see it now, the conversation with the woman next to me ... "Hi, my name is Julie and I have a female spirit here with me and she is trying to get my attention for you." LOL Not with this fake crowd. I even sat and kept trying to ground myself, just not working as well as I would like it to.

I honestly do not know what they are anymore. Is this my coming into a higher vibration? Is my body on overload? I just do not know. Im not scared by it, but I also do not want to burn myself out if there is something I am not aware I am doing and it is hurting me in the process. Confirmation of what it is, is all I am hoping for.

Anyone? :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Woo woo, woo hoo!

The past 2 weeks, at least I think it has been. I have been having some really amazing wavey feelings come over me. As I recall from psychic development class, its the spirits coming around. Well they have really been trying to get my attention lately. But I think its more than that. It could be all the raised vibrations they say are going on with our world.

I feel like I am here, yet I find myself going within ... being very reflective. Its distracting! But when I am home alone, its fine and I go with it. Or out on a hike, I go with the feeling.

Ive been controlling my energy work and not over doing it. Meditating almost every night, long distant healing, touch healing classes, psychic classes and going to church to talk about us all being as One.

But the past 2 weeks have been something interesting. Since I started this job, seems to be more activity with awareness and energy in general.

I feel like I am on drugs ... kind of like a high. If this is becoming ... woo hoo! with the woo woo's lol

So you know I am not complaining ... its an interesting ride. And so I go like a canoe on the flowing waters. :) Away we go....

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A lesson learned thanks to 4Ceibus

It all began as I was waking up and I was in a wonderful mood yesterday morning. The day before, I had a great Sunday with the church and learning how to speak with my guides and their guides to speak through me. Its a wonderful learning experience for me, because it seems natural and the right thing to do. It works for me. So I felt my energy was up and vibrations high, was a wonderful feeling.

Later in the eve, the wonderful beings that they are posted something from 4Ceibus. I love reading her writings and looking at her pictures of her garden, paintings and glassware's. She is amazingly creative in a way that I am not. I admire her for this. It seems so natural to her.

Last week she lost a valuable family member and I understood her emotional state. I bonded with this woman for the first time in "knowing" her on twitter. When she wrote about her pets head in her hands ... I cried and I sent love to her. She said she felt it. I am glad, because it was sincere in every being of who I am. Recently my cat Jax was ill and I am not able to afford a vet, but the team at IQXS helped me through the process and we brought him back to health. So, I related with her pain.

So when the guys posted her new blog, I decided to peruse some of her older blogs. It had been awhile and thought it would be nice to catch up on them. I came to one which hit me pretty hard. I was not prepared for it. As I got closer to the bottom, there. THERE. "And I thought about Caffeinated Tree ....." Wait, pardon me?

As I read on and the only words which rang in my head and I saw over and over again were "I DO NOT LIKE HER..." I couldn't get any further than that. I could not read on. I was shocked and my heart sank. I cried for a moment and pondered what did I ever say to this person or do, because she doesn't know me. I took a minute and realized I needed to move on. I realized these were NOT my feelings or my words, why am I so upset about it? I allowed it to get to me.

Thank the divine for BH. He saw what I posted on twitter. He asked me if I really wanted to go there. I hadnt said anything mean about her post, or who it was, just I was shocked and hurt. He stopped me from perhaps falling deep into it. Apparently at that moment there was a lower energy vibration feeding off what I had just discovered. It was affecting me and my cat. The cat I just helped to save from an illness I still have no idea what it was. But I am grateful to all those who have helped with his healing and for the lesson I learned from it.

So as he is very much like a big brother and teacher, he told me to tap, EFT. He reminded me to keep in love and joy. Most of all to love myself. Which I do. I had realized as I read further on her blog she doesn't dislike me per say, but that maybe she is reminded of a time where she went through similar emotions, lessons, trials? And it is not an easy road to travel. We all walk in different shoes and all walk a different beat, but to not like someone because of it? But these are HER feelings and I allowed her feelings to hurt me. I do not have to be accepted by her or anyone. And this what I have learned from this.

So I tapped. And I understood this was a lesson. Thank you Ceibus for the lesson. I am a newb in regards to healing and talking with the guides and universe. I do not have the same responsibilities as others with children and owning a home. I am very much a child inside, but a loving child. I hope one day you will want to get to know me as a person. You do not have to like me as you stated, but to at least understand someone, I think that makes us better and helps us grow as individuals.

In my heart I hold you in high regard. I can truely say I love you as a person from what I DO know of you. BH told me this was a lesson and I needed to write you. It was easiest for me to tell it like a story and was the only way I could begin the relationship we do not have. I would hope next time you see something I am going through, to please send love. We all deal with pain differently and go through life differently. See me as me and perhaps what you did see was a part of you. Maybe that is the part of you that you need to love? To let that go?

Thank you for reading this and again for the lesson.

Julie/Aka Caffeinatedtree

Monday, August 16, 2010


My Life has changed so quickly, but I would not change it for the world. (no puns in tended on the world, lol ;) )

I am learning and growing in leaps and bound and I do not mind one bit. This is after all, what I wanted. 2 years of having been on hold and I love the ride I am on. I feel like I can not get enough and some of the times I do not know where to start. Because there is so much information coming at me and yet, so little time.

I am grateful for a team who helped me through a rough time. Even if they do not know this. I cant be sure they were aware of my situation 4 months ago and before that time. I am grateful and appreciate them very much so. I feel great love for them, which has taken time for me to consider since I was and still am learning to love myself. They are like uncles and perhaps one more a father figure, who will scold when I am not sharp. But I know its for my own good. But I also know the relationship is what it is. I feel if they would not have noticed, I might still be sitting in my room crying my eyes out, for emotions I could not own as my own.

I still have my battles with my emotions from time to time and more so once a month. The last two days have been very emotional for me and I have no idea why. Again it seems to be a monthly problem which creeps up on me and I am edgy, irritable and could cry at the drop of a hat.

I am grateful for two other people who have entered my life as well.

One woman is from across the pond. She is wise and self taught, which I admire her for. I never had the resources in front of me till much later in life. She is close to the team I speak of above, very much like brothers to her. Which, yes I have always know this. She has told me a great many things which I hold in confidence, because this is my nature. I truely hope one day she will see she has misunderstood me more than once. I miss what we once had when I first met her and perhaps one day we will again. But, I give her space and say hello now and then. I think this is where we are at till perhaps one day we will be equal.

The other is a woman in NY. Another self taught. I also admire her and how talented and carefree she is. She inspires me every day with her smiles which shines through, her thoughtfulness and her abilities. She just gets me as a human being. She has guided me and introduced me to many things, which I never thought to look into. There is more to it than I thought.

So, with all the my changes ... I will write more one day. When I am a little older and wiser with these changes. Yet also, before its time for the other big change, which is soon to come.

Till next time!


"Today" - Song

This is a song which came to my mind in an instant, while I was thinking about the future of our world and know what will become of us and the wonderous things. Will we still be able to do the things mentioned below. For we will never know till that time truely does come.

Today could be the last time... we.... dance...
Today could be the last time that we take... that chance...

Although one day we will all dance as one...

May we laugh and hold each other in our hearts today ...
May we sing songs of joy and the memories we made...

Let the fires in our hearts remain true and strong to our selves
Let our voices ring out with love and joy!

Be true ..... to you... and everyone.
See through ... to the light ....
Feel the love of the greater good for tomorrow will bring a new...

(start back at the top)


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Simple song I made

These are words I just sort of made up on one of those long drives back into Columbus from where I live now. I needed to write the words down so I would not forget them. But I guess its catchy, because it keeps running through my head. :)

We are soul...

We are one ...

We are connected ....

We are one....

You and me .... we are one ...
We are soul ... we are connected ...

~Jules :)

*repeat if you desire :) I know I sure do, since its stuck in my head. Wake up humming it in my head.

Rain song

Listening to the sound of the rain on the pavement...
on the roof...
upon my umbrella...

They all sing a different song, yet they are One.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Starting fresh

I have decided to start fresh with my blogs again. I have so missed writing.

I spent so much of my past time, trying to fix something which could not be fixed. Its time to not look back, but look in the here and now.

So, here and now ....

Mountain top with you...

(A repost from my past. From May 2009.)

You took me up on the mountain top. The view I saw will never be lost.

So far and wide, yes scared was I. You smiled as you said, take my hand and we will fly ...You held my hand and calmed my soul, I cant believe I let it go.

Falling and falling, I should have held onto you.

At the bottom I could only see you at the top, so exposed to the world and no more than a dot.

Sitting at the bottom, where its cold and damp, I should not have let go on that mountain cap. I should have held tight and went off on the flight.

My heart aches from tumbling down the side. If I could take back all that was lost, I know that you would not still be standing alone on the top.

One day I hope this will show. And the love we once had will again grow. And back on that mountain we will go, to fly to where ever it may be.
