Thursday, March 24, 2011

To "teacher" with love

My first teacher as I like to call him these days, taught me things I was not ready for or understood at that time.

When I first encountered you, I remember we spoke of praying.  You asked me if I prayed  for healing.  I said I did and I was new to it.  I remember sending photos of Battell Darby and the mounds there.  I recall your interest in the burial mounds.  

I remember our talking about a book I was reading at the library and if you knew the author?  Which sparked an interest on your end with a recommended book.  I had no clue what the importance of it was.

You helped me with my computer, which I thought, wow how kind of someone who I have never met, to help me so I can use my computer.  Again, I had NO idea!

As time went on I learned things I could not possible have made up on my own, co-creator or not.  lol

If you read this, know that every day I send love and gratitude.  I had no idea what I was getting into then, but I have a MUCH better understanding now, 10 months later, than I did in the beginning.  This woman is learning and learning and realizes more than ever at most of the things you were TRYING to teach me.  At that time it was not working out, but its a learning experience I had to go through.  I am grateful for the experience.

I am grateful for the separation even though at THAT moment it hurt like crazy.  There are days I still miss you and the gang.  What I miss most is being able to converse with you, share with you and yes learn from you.  I know its for the best right now.  But I long to sit and eat Cheetos with you once again, which I am not too fond of anymore.  Bummah!  lol

I hope you see and feel that I send you the love often.  You helped me through what I thought was a tough time.  Again grateful for the teaching and the experience I received.

I never did give up what you started.  I'm still learning and growing.  But there are those days when I am confused or not sure whats going on, I wish you were all there so I could ask and understand.

I am not saying the learning is over, because it never is.  But I get what you were talking about more and more these days.

One day, I hope you will see me and hug me HUGELY.

I never let the friendship go, or stopped loving you, or sending gratitude and appreciation.  There will always be applebummah.

BTW, Jax is doing great, he gets to come home to me in a few weeks!  My things are being moved out of the old place in a few weeks as well.  My energy is high and in good vibes.  I haven't stopped going to church or classes and I never miss one.  Started a gathering with folks from church and classes for the hopes of turning it into more of a support group.

I miss you and the guys, HUGELY!  I hope to hear from you soon!

Always and respectfully ~~~~~

Julie / Mz C.  <3

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