I was told not to write about sad things. So I will try my best not to in this post.
A friends cat friend passed today. He was hit by a car. I felt her sorrow, in the energy in her words. Its as if I felt the energy of the cat within that sentence she posted about him as well. He knew he was loved even for his rottenness.
Energy carries a long way. Faster than light I would say. Perhaps thoughts are magnetic energies, which I have read some about. The Earth has a magnetic field, so I would "think" that if we are thinking thoughts and feelings, others can indeed feel them. I am guessing certain body types can feel these emotions/energies. Those sensitive or also called empathic. I know I do!
Another for ya!
I was sitting in the car on a long drive home with my boyfriend. A song came on and then this saddness came over me ... but I did not understand why. We had had a wonderful morning with his friends from his old College and we were enjoying each others company ... then I started to really listen to the words of the song. It was about leaving to the west and missing their love. My boyfriend will be leaving to go to China to do a project on how to help the water in China. He leaves at the beginning of June.
But the strangest thing happened while sitting in the car and hearing this and feeling this energy of emotion ... he reached out for my hand. Something he rarely does. Because inside this man is still dealing with issues he has never dealt with deep inside him. I then became aware these were not my emotions but his I was feeling. I was confused because I didnt know what they were ... but it was a deep sadness. Which brought tears to my eyes. I looked over at him and his eyes looked a little misty. I asked him if he was OK. He hesitated and said yeah... I let it go, because I knew this was his way of telling me he cared.
Later that eve, we spoke about it. I came to find out it was his emotions I was feeling. He admitted he still had some deep issues to deal with. He expressed in his own words how scared he was to go to China. How he was afraid this project would not work. How he would be away from home, yet he was extremely excited and looking forward to his journey. How he wishes he would be here when me and his family would be moving us into OUR apartment in August.
So, with all my talk of energies, I am starting to become more aware of what energies are NOT mine. Why am I feeling a certain way? Are these really mine or someone else's?
The plan is to sit in silence and just observe. I am going back to some basics, but these are important ones. Ones I pushed away about 1 1/2yrs ago. It is what it is and now going forward I am doing this.
When I become more aware, I will update.
Peace, love and joy always!