Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Tell a Different Story

Sit right down and I will tell you a story.

A story never told before.  In which I tell you a different story than what I was told long ago.

Sit right down and get comfy, for this here is that new story.

Im telling you a different story.  One that is with ease and glory.  One which flows and sows and grows and there is no worry.

A story which is full of gratitude and a new attitude.

There is no fear with this new story, for I released it to the One who is dear, near and everywhere.

So now I TRUST this process of this story.

Please pass on this story and may it help you to grow and tell your own different story.

*Was a reminder to change my thought process and I sat right down and REALLY just wrote this story.  :) *


It starts with Gratitude

There is so much I have to be grateful for.  Today I was listening to something on YouTube, which made me realize the work still needing to be done which entails Understanding my emotions.  About accessing ones self.

I was taught this almost 2 years ago to date  And where ever you be, you are all always in my heart with much gratitude!  :D

I am grateful for the sun and the moon.
The sound of the rain as it hits on the roof and the clouds that produce a loud Kaboom!

Cold with the snow which falls upon my face and hot on a beach and especially the warmth of weather in between.

Coffee in the morning with cream and sugar.  Tea at night, with a good book.
Ice cream, cheesecake and best of all chocolate cake.

Fresh vegetables in from the garden and then the feast it provides.
The smell of the flowers on the winds at night.
The buzzing bees and bumbles bees on the trees and those big ones who scare off the other big bees, what a tease.

Grateful for the roof over my head, which protects me from the weather in all dispositions.
The clothes, my shoes, coats and boots, which keep me covered on my suit.

To squish my toes in the dirt and walk on the cool grass or that wet patch.
To dig my toes in sand on the lake or beach and feel Gaias skin.

My car which gets me to and fro and dollars for gas to make it go.
The phone i hold to keep in touch with those near and far, gives me joy when I hear from them all.

I suppose I could go on ... because everyday I give thanks for all the wonderful items I own, or am able to touch, feel, hear, smell, sense and the wonderful people who touch in on my life on a daily basis, in so many ways.

Oh what the heck!  I'm grateful for all!

Thank you Source for all things!  :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thoughts and energies

I was told not to write about sad things.  So I will try my best not to in this post.

A friends cat friend passed today.  He was hit by a car.  I felt her sorrow, in the energy in her words.  Its as if I felt the energy of the cat within that sentence she posted about him as well.  He knew he was loved even for his rottenness. 

Energy carries a long way.  Faster than light I would say.  Perhaps thoughts are magnetic energies, which I have read some about.  The Earth has a magnetic field, so I would "think" that if we are thinking thoughts and feelings, others can indeed feel them.  I am guessing certain body types can feel these emotions/energies.  Those sensitive or also called empathic.  I know I do!

Another for ya!

I was sitting in the car on a long drive home with my boyfriend.  A song came on and then this saddness came over me ... but I did not understand why.  We had had a wonderful morning with his friends from his old College and we were enjoying each others company ... then I started to really listen to the words of the song.  It was about leaving to the west and missing their love.  My boyfriend will be leaving to go to China to do a project on how to help the water in China.  He leaves at the beginning of June.  

But the strangest thing happened while sitting in the car and hearing this and feeling this energy of emotion ... he reached out for my hand.  Something he rarely does.  Because inside this man is still dealing with issues he has never dealt with deep inside him.  I then became aware these were not my emotions but his I was feeling.  I was confused because I didnt know what they were ... but it was a deep sadness.  Which brought tears to my eyes.  I looked over at him and his eyes looked a little misty.  I asked him if he was OK.  He hesitated and said yeah... I let it go, because I knew this was his way of telling me he cared.

Later that eve, we spoke about it.  I came to find out it was his emotions I was feeling.  He admitted he still had some deep issues to deal with.  He expressed in his own words how scared he was to go to China.  How he was afraid this project would not work.  How he would be away from home, yet he was extremely excited and looking forward to his journey.  How he wishes he would be here when me and his family would be moving us into OUR apartment in August.

So, with all my talk of energies, I am starting to become more aware of what energies are NOT mine.  Why am I feeling a certain way?  Are these really mine or someone else's?

The plan is to sit in silence and just observe.  I am going back to some basics, but these are important ones.  Ones I pushed away about 1 1/2yrs ago.  It is what it is and now going forward I am doing this.

When I become more aware, I will update.

Peace, love and joy always!


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Single leaf and more

I was given a message the other night in class.  The woman who gave it was so overwhelmed with emotion she could hardly speak.  She was sobbing.  So over come with the message.  She said all she could feel was this great love for me when she was trying to speak her message.  She could not deliver the message to me this eve, but it was given to me the following day.

She felt in her heart this message was from Jesus.  It asked her to speak TRUTH.  Maybe it was from Jesus.  Perhaps it was much like a messenger giving the message from someone else, for her to receive that message?  Maybe.

Her message for me:  

She sees me standing in a prairie/desert plane with barren brush all around me.  I am standing in one place looking all around me.  I am wanting something and no matter where I look its not there.  I am full of hope and love and there is something more.

She says, I see a beautiful single leaf that is kind of opaque, because she see's the light shining through the back of it. ~~~~

She kept getting the words, "living waters"  She got the sense the message is not finished.


I went and googled 'living waters".  What I found, can be confusing, but I am looking at many interpretations to decide for myself.  I have some thinking to do and have been doing so this past week.

I know that I need to stay in love and light and continue to be of service to others.  This is what I came here to do.

Also at this time I have picked up the book "The Key", by Whitley Strieber.  My mind is in complete upheaval so to speak.  I wish I could have been there while he was asking the questions, because if they were layed out in a little easier way I might understand some of the answers better.  Much of it I am getting those ah ha moments, some of it which has been conflicting with much of what I have been reading and learning.

Well till next time and next space channel!

Stay in love and joy always!


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Now I GET it! :}~~~

So went through some old emails this eve and messages I saved from my lessons from almost 2 years ago.

Yeah, I was a noob.  I had no clue what I was doing.  I thought by going to the church, I was supposed to learn about guides and how to work with them.  What I was meant to do there, was to be around the higher vibrations.  I was meant to go there to be a conduit for healing.  To heal others with the energy work I could perform on them.  To serve.

I got to one of the messages and it really struck some chords.  Sure some tears and ah ha moments, BUT in the process of it, I found information which was being given to me, but was too upset to see past my nose at that time.  The time when I really needed to heed that information.  I had no idea!

I sent the old housemate a message and asked her to help me with the removal of the entity.  It is no longer allowed the name it has given its self.  It is no longer allowed the attention it craves.  I do my very best to ignore it and keep it quieted.  But now I think I realize what needs to be done.  It will work.

Yes I did this to me, but I will no longer allow this.  I now realize what I did back then.

If you are lurking .... I thank you for giving me the information then, but I didnt see it.  I do now.  Its not too late.  I am SO very grateful!  You know who you are!  ;} ~~~  Thank you!


Wednesday, March 28, 2012


The energies are everywhere.  I feel them coming to me.  I sense others energies when they walk in from another room.  Or when they come to the door.  I cant tell what energy is what anymore.  So many of them.  Are they negative?  Are they teachers, souls, energies, space brothers and sisters, I am not able to understand yet?

The entity is still here.  I have no idea what to do with it.  The messages from the other voices are meditate deeper than you have ever meditated before.  What does that mean?  How?  I ask for guidance from my higher aspect and I am not sure I am hearing or getting any messages.  I wish I had someone here to help me with this and suggest what to do.  Ive tried everything that I know.  But what am I missing?

I mean lets look at this.  If it was a lower energy and I am raising my vibrations, wouldnt I NOT be able to hear it any longer?

Every day I am doing my best to just accept its there.  But I do not want to give it my power either.  By calling it by name or mentioning it, I think it empowers it even more.

If I got answers I could be rid of it.  That would be lovely!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Know I am...

Some times I really miss our talks.  I miss the teachings you told me.  The teacher/father/friend talks we used to have.  Even when you said if I was standing there right now you would rip my head off "talks"  lol This is one of those times I long for your suggestions.  Your input.

Know I am thinking of youz.

Know I finished the book.  Finally.

Now what?  I will continue with the suggested readings, which I find interesting from her book.  But what else?  Where else can I get my toes wet?

Yeah feeling a little anxious and lost at the same time old friend.  I feel the church has taught me enough .. now what?  I am grateful to them, very grateful to them.  The Rev has taught me much and so has his wife.  They are good people.  I try to help them when I can.

I think sometimes you tap in.  But I am never too sure on that energy.

Come visit me any time, as you know I wouldnt mind.

I send you love and gratitude and miss youz dearly.  Say hi to everyone for me.  :)

There will always be bread for the gravy and cheetose with french onion dip.  And of course there will always be applebummah!  :D

Love and light always