Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Update since last posted

Its been a long time since I posted anything

I am learning a lot.  A lot about me, others, etc.

Learning about the things I AM capable of doing if I really put the effort out there and use patience in the process.

I always go back to being grateful for all the teachers who have come within my path and will continue to do so. I bless every moment and give gratitude.

So to update on what new experiences have been coming about for me.

There are times when there are a lot of energies coming at me and I am not sure what these are.  Is something trying to get my attention?  A higher sensibility?  Incoming information?  Im trying to learn what it all means.  I wish I had some guidance on this and I do not.  So I accept it and meditate as often as possible and check to see if something new comes to me.

I still have yet to finish a book, but I am getting there.  :)  I was finally able to purchase it and read it in book form instead of on a PDF.  Such a HUGE difference, because I am able to take it with me and if the mood strikes me I can just open it up and read some of it at a time.  I am grateful as always.  Have almost completed Chapter 13.

There is still this spirit attached to me.  Finally I was told that he thought I was hurt and has been attached to me since I was 15 yrs of age.  He may have been in a house fire.  He was in a foster home and tried to save the other children that were in the house.  He was not able to make it out or didnt make it.  This happened while I was living in Staten Island, so I am going to look into some research to see if I can find any house fires that happens near or around this time.  I hope I can lead him to the light where he needs to go.

I have also found out there is a spirit here to help me guide those who need crossing over.  I am a beacon and I am here to help those who do not realize they are passed, to help them, if I should so wish to do so.  I accept, because I feel it is important.  So its important for me to sit down with this Spirit Guidance and see how to work this out.  I look forward to understanding this better and to move forward in my abilities.

There is yet ANOTHER guiding influence which comes to me as soon as I sit to meditate.  They call themselves the Council of 11.  A "communicator" as they call themselves speaks to me and its almost always the same message.  That I need to meditate deeper than I have ever meditated before.  I asked how and why always the same message?  The how of it was my breathing technique.  I need to breath in through my nose and out through my mouth.  Which I do not understand this concept, because I was taught in the the nose and out through the nose.  BUT I will try it and see what the difference is.  I find myself opening my mouth and trying this is my daily breathing to see if there is a difference.  As for the same message:  Because its very important and imperative.  There is something they need me for.  As always I use caution, but there doesnt seem to be any manipulative feelings or words spoken from them.

I keep thinking I am doing telepathy as well, but that could all be in my head too.  lol  But I will keep working on it.

I am still doing Touch Energy Hands on Healing, with the church Rays of Light/White Lily church.  I love every moment of it.  I realized one day, when I had a serious headache at healing class, that the person on the table was more important than my headache.  Sure the energies coming in made it hurt even more, but I persisted and the realization was that I am not important THEY were.  Yes I know to honor my body, but I was not going to be in dire straits.  I am grateful for this experience and realization.  Its been a YEAR since I was directed to these wonderful folks.  Thank you so much for helping me with this.  You know who you are.  :)

Sometimes on Tuesday during messaging service the Reverend allows me be a conduit for healing and almost every Sunday at Church service.  Very exciting indeed and I really enjoy being able to help these folks for the little time I am able to give to the healing process.  Its also interesting to feel the different energies with each individual.  Not like class at all.  Again grateful for this experience.

I am currently on the job search again, but in a different mode.  Looking for new paradigms and not the old ways.  What I am passionate about.  Which I am very set on doing.  I would love to open a place for touch healing, but I am thinking I need more of a back ground in other practices as well.  Almost certified in Touch Healing.

The idea is to complete my Bachelors perhaps starting in Spring or next Fall.  There is this amazing University I really, really want to attend called www.MUM.edu which is everything I have ever dreamed of in being taught.  Hands on learning, conscience based teaching methods, meditation, Vedic teachings, sustainability ... amazing!  In Iowa, and very expensive.  I will find a way to go there.  I have some time.  :)

Well, thats about all for now.

Love and light and always sending love to those near and far.  
